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    Trusted by the best

    SEO Company in Auckland

    Do you want to have the best SEO in Auckland for your industry, and drive organic traffic to your website? At Firefly we are here to help implement and optimise your local SEO and improve your business’ ranking online.

    Generate More Sales and Leads

    We focus on using SEO effectively to drive more sales and profit for your Auckland business.

    Increase Return on Investment

    Although SEO can take time to pay off, it's one of the best investments that delivers the highest ROI over time.

    Improve Brand Visibility

    Investing in SEO is an excellent way to ensure that your business is visible in search results.

    Get a free quote, call us today on 0800 347 335

    Nicole C

    Nicole Crump

    Growth Specialist
    +64 21 898 307

    Stanway Business Park,
    Tower 2, 646 Great South Road
    Ellerslie, Auckland 1051 

    Katie McAleese

    Katie McAleese

    Growth Specialist
    +64 272 757 059

    1/585 Wairakei Road, Burnside,
    Christchurch, 8053

    Awards we have won
    Page 1 positions achieved
    Awesome team members
    Ad-spend managed

    Enquire About Our SEO Services

    Do you want to have the best SEO in Auckland for your industry, and drive organic traffic to your website? At Firefly we are here to help implement and optimise your local SEO and improve your business’ ranking online.

    Contact our Auckland office today!

    09 390 1421

    74 Taharoto Road, Takapuna, 0622